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Dual studies at BHS Corrugated

Students from leading colleges meet at BHS Corrugated. This is no coincidence, as the market leader simply has more to offer, even with respect to dual studies: The perfect practical experience, cooperation in future projects, and the opportunity to be well coached to take on more and more responsibility for your own tasks. At BHS Corrugated, the transition from studies to career is smooth...

Dual studies: Your practical advantage!

Gain theoretical knowledge at a college – and implement it in the successful practices of a market leader: Dual studies at BHS Corrugated guarantee the benefit of practice required for your career. What might seem abstract during your studies, will become clear and tangible at our company. You participate in compelling projects, gradually take on more and more responsibilities while being coached by your personal mentor.

Your interests. Our strengths!

Do far away countries attract you? Are you interested in working on international teams? As global player with production sites and branches worldwide, from the US to China, we offer you many employment opportunities.

Is digitalization YOUR thing? Welcome to BHS Corrugated, a company shaping the future! From customer service via virtual reality headsets all the way to integrated digital printing in corrugated board production: We are leading our industry into the digital future!

A young man is walking through the company halls.

From graduation straight into the career

Your successful graduation and degree are your career ticket for the "business class". During your dual studies, you succeeded to demonstrate to us what you have in store – and to convince us of your openness to change: We prefer to develop our high potentials ourselves! And while others try to gain practical experience in internships as trainees, you already start off your career directly at BHS Corrugated.

Looking for a role model for your career? Get to know the professionals!

What motivates young technical specialists and executives at BHS Corrugated? Find out about some of our professionals:

  • On the rise: Wolfgang Seegerer, Upgrades Manager, compares his job at BHS Corrugated with paragliding. Always on an upward trend...

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  • Dare to experiment: Kui Hou, Project Manager, enjoys the freedom to experiment at our company – in the Upper Palatinate and China. 

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Apply now – send your unsolicited application or an application for a job vacancy:

Job vacancies at BHS Corrugated

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