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We are a part of this world – and responsible for it

As a fast-growing, globally active company, we are part of our society and our environment. We use resources around the world. And around the world, our success relies on people. That is why we believe: entrepreneurship means responsibility – social, cultural and ecological responsibility. Our Corporate Social Responsibility policy is how we actively take on this responsibility – going above and beyond our legal obligations.

Training and education at BHS Corrugated
Excellent qualifications for becoming an integral member of our company – starting out on a fulfilling career path at BHS Corrugated.
Angels for Children Foundation
School is fun and creates opportunities – the Angels for Children Foundation is doing its part for children’s education in Laos.
BHS Corrugated family-friendly
BHS Corrugated is not only a family-owned. We are also family-friendly.

Corporate Social Responsibility – for our employees, for the environment and for society

Corporate social responsibility is important to us and manifests itself in a variety of ways and processes at BHS Corrugated. Education and especially vocational training are an essential foundation for sustainability throughout the company. This is why, as an expression of corporate social responsibility, we have embraced the slogan “sustainability through education” for our commitment to sustainability.

Employees: life-long learning as profit

If we have been able to achieve and maintain the status of market leader in the corrugated industry, it is only thanks to our highly qualified employees – and life-long learning. Our employees are the most important pillar of our commercial success. Continued commitment to our employees means appreciation, recognition and confidence in their ability to perform. As the saying goes, “Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back.”

Environment and sustainability: every resource counts!

As a Lifecycle Company in the digital age, we place great emphasis on long-term business models, providing our customers with sustainable solutions for their business, throughout an entire lifecycle. In developing these solutions – in production as well as offices – we save resources and prevent waste, from lean management all the way to energy management.

Corporate Social Responsibility – transparent and documented

Corporate Social Responsibility combines various aspects of sustainability throughout the company. Core elements of our Corporate Social Responsibility can be found in our company strategy, the iBHS quality policy, our lifestyle and career guidelines and our environmental policy.

Knowledge: opportunity, fulfillment – and raw materials for success

Knowledge is the #1 resource for long-term commercial success. And it is a resource that grows, the more you share it. This is why we consistently invest in education: the professional training and education of our employees, the development of a living network of expertise with partners – and the promotion of schooling in Laos through the Angels for Children Foundation.

More about Education

Involvement in education
Training young talent at our international locations is a core component of knowledge management at BHS Corrugated.
Sustainability at BHS Corrugated
Sustainability - ecology and economy go hand in hand.

Sustainability: commitment and self-image

Shaping the future only works if we preserve our resources and environment. The philosophy of BHS Corrugated is based on sustainability - not only in ecological, but also in economic and social terms.

More about Sustainability

Innovative, fast-growing, family-friendly: Excellent in every way

Our latest awards: a source of pride for everyone contributing to the success of BHS Corrugated worldwide. These honors reflect the extra mile that we all go – together.

More about current Awards

German Brand Award for BHS Corrugated
Machine Control Center from BHS Corrugated – winner of the German Brand Award 2020