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Sustainability unboxed


We work to consistently reduce greenhouse gases, pollutants and waste. In our own processes – and with our technologies for corrugated cardboard production.

Sustainability unboxed


We are committed to health, education, equal opportunities and talent development – along the entire value chain. Even beyond the boundaries of an industrial company.

Sustainability unboxed


We support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Because we want to do our part to create a fair, livable world.

Think beyond profitability

With its high recycling rates, the corrugated industry is a pioneer of a modern circular economy. However, sustainable action is not limited to the respect for natural resources. The industry is thinking beyond, and BHS Corrugated, as a leading solution provider, always wants to provide new impetus.

Discover how we are driving forward a sustainable value chain in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). And just as important: how our technologies can contribute to an optimized footprint of your corrugated board production. Because internal and external perspectives fit together. Holistically. Beyond profitability. 

Responsibility. Progress. How we engage.

A member of UN Global Compact

Goal: Shaping globalization – socially and ecologically

Partnering with over
Partners in the 4evergreen alliance

Goal: A sustainable lifecycle of fiber-based packaging

Committed to the
UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal: A dignified life around the world – conservation of natural resources

BHS Corrugated is the lifecycle company in the digital age.

The way we act is based on our vision and mission statement:
Our market position is based on superior solutions for our customers. Our mission is to increase our customers’ profitability in line with the global Green Deal guidelines.
We develop digital technologies and business solutions based on our experience, our domain know-how of Lifecycle Services, and available data to increase plant productivity in the corrugated packaging industry.


Discover the many facets of our responsibility.


Waste management:
Avoid – recycle – dispose.

  • Main target: Avoid waste
  • Separate unavoidable waste by type
  • Result: Recycling 98.8% of our total waste volume

The best way to manage waste is not to produce it. This is our priority – before recycling and disposal. The remaining waste that is inevitably generated by BHS Corrugated as a production company consists of 74% metals. Detailed separation of all waste has made it possible for 98.8% of our total waste volume to be recycled today.

For more facts, download our 2022 Sustainability Report here!

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Minimizing waste:
Paper drives costs? Throw away less.

  • Cost factor no. 1: Paper
  • Minimizing unavoidable and avoidable paper waste
  • Enabled by sensor technology, automation, and AI

Paper is the number one resource in corrugated board production. It’s crucial to minimize both unavoidable waste – such as edge trimming – and errors that lead to paper waste. Intelligent technology detects transport damage to paper rolls. As a result, sorting out paper layers can be reduced to a minimum. In the production process, we use sensors and self-learning systems to help eliminate factors such as inadequate gluing or incorrect sheet formats. In this way, ecology and productivity go hand in hand.


Corrugator design:
Passion versus waste of resources.

  • Longevity by design in development and construction
  • Sustainable performance
  • In many cases, potential for lifetime extension

Longevity means being economical with valuable raw materials and minimizing the footprint of a technical system in the long term. Corrugators from BHS Corrugated are designed for a service life of 20 years or more during development and construction. In addition, the original lifecycle can be extended. With know-how and passion, we make a clear statement against the waste of resources including "planned obsolescence".

For more facts, download our 2022 Sustainability Report here!

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Sustainable use:
40 is the new 25.

  • System designed for long-term use
  • Technology and support help reduce wear
  • Frequently in use for 40 years and more – including second lifecycle

Our customers not only receive a long-lasting system – we also support them in optimizing its use. This ranges from intelligent automation and digitalization to expert support for operation and maintenance. Proactive service, regular upgrades and targeted advice on extending the service life also play their part. This is why our corrugators are in use for an average of 25 years for the first user – and even 40 years or more including resale.

Did you know …

… Did you know why it's good to read this special digitally? At 6.8 grams of CO2 per page view, the emissions are well below the 1.85 kg required to produce and print a 20-page brochure.

Energy and emissions

Climate-neutral operations:
Renewable power for an ambitious goal.

  • Climate-neutral operations until 2035 (Weiherhammer headquarters)
  • Power from own photovoltaics and external renewable sources
  • Energy-saving measures, e.g., switch to LED lighting

We want to become CO2-neutral at our main site in Weiherhammer by 2035. The renunciation of fossil fuels includes our own generation from photovoltaics as well as the purchase of electricity from external renewable sources. The latter alone saves emissions of 4,775 tons of CO2eq. Furthermore, we have initiated a wide range of energy-saving measures, such as the complete switch to LED lighting. With these savings alone, an EV could travel more than 13,000 kilometers 1).

1) Annahme: Durchschnittsverbrauch 20 kWh/100 km

For more facts, download our 2022 Sustainability Report here!

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Electrical and thermal energy:
Innovation tackles consumption.

  • Significant reduction of electrical and thermal energy consumption
  • Enabled by innovative technologies
  • Example: Less paper weight – less steam

Today, our customers produce with significantly lower electrical and thermal energy requirements per square meter of corrugated board. Reasons include newly developed working widths. Moreover, thanks to the use of ever lighter papers through technological innovations, the average steam temperature can be reduced by up to 10 degrees.

Raw materials

Corrugating rolls:
Others see wear. We see values.

  • 2-3 refurbishment cycles for corrugating rolls
  • Significant raw material savings
  • Lower energy consumption compared to new production

Corrugating rolls from BHS Corrugated provide an example of how technical products can be used more sustainably and with less raw material consumption. Thanks to an innovative process, they can be refurbished. This means that some of the corrugating rolls required can be used several times without having to be replaced prematurely due to wear. This helps to limit metal consumption, energy use and proportionate CO2 emissions in the face of rising global demand.

For more facts, download our 2022 Sustainability Report here!

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Sustainable processes:
Where less can mean more

  • Not the only focus on paper and energy
  • Significantly lower consumption of glue and starch
  • Better footprint of your finished product

In addition to paper and energy, glue – and thus the valuable resource of starch – are among the most important materials used in corrugated board production. Reducing consumption through precise processes not only contributes to greater efficiency. It also increases the ecological footprint of corrugated board, which is already a sustainable product.

Did you know …

… how sustainably you have acted if you have not accessed this website via a search engine? We would have to plant 23 trees every second to offset the emissions caused by global search queries!

Employees and health

Because people give their very best:
Here’s what we give back.

  • Continuous skill development
  • Own young talents play strong role
  • Multiple offerings for a good work life balance

“We” - that's over 3,400 employees worldwide who underpin the market-leading position of BHS Corrugated every day with their skills and commitment.

Knowledge – evolving a precious raw material

Our future success is based on the ongoing development of knowledge and skills. Sustainable improvement in this includes early development of junior managers and further education for all. In 2023, we reached a new high by recruiting 74 new apprentices and dual students. Furthermore, we support a unique recruiting and training program in cooperation with the Lao-German Technical College, which trains and promotes young people in the metal and electrical sector in Laos.

Work – feels good!

Another focus is on supporting a healthy work-life balance. The offerings range from a company bike and in-house gym to flexible parental leave models and an in-house restaurant with high-quality, healthy cuisine at fair prices. The bright, modern and ergonomic equipment of the workplaces is almost a matter of course1).

Occupational safety

Working safely:
Full focus on the “zero accident” goal.

  • Preventing workplace accidents is our priorit
  • Consistent action with clear responsibilities
  • Minimum rate of reportable accidents

The goal of preventing accidents at work is firmly anchored in our corporate philosophy. On the one hand, this involves prevention, education, technical measures and safe working environments. On the other hand, we also want to use avoided accidents to learn from them. We systematically pursue all of this with two occupational safety specialists and 18 safety officers at our main site, Weiherhammer (Germany), alone.

Never rest on the laurels

The best possible level of occupational safety today may be outdated tomorrow due to changes in working conditions and the development of new machines. We therefore never rest on the laurels of excellent KPIs from the past. This continuous development has also enabled us to reduce the number of reportable accidents per million working hours to less than 1.

For more facts, download our 2022 Sustainability Report here!

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Did you know …

… that reading this website on your smartphone only consumes 2-5 watt hours of energy? On a laptop it is 15-50 watt hours.

Corporate citizenship

Better than waiting for a better world:
Working for it.

  • Our responsibility: Encouraging education –  increasing quality of life
  • Support for children and adolescents in Laos
  • “Agile living in old age” program in our regional environment (Germany)

What are we leaving behind for future generations? The answer to this question not only requires decisive action for ecological sustainability. It’s also about participation and healthy talent development for people. We take responsibility, and our commitment to two foundations is at the heart of this.

Angels for Children (AfC)

Founded in 2003 by Ingrid Engel, the AfC Foundation promotes the educational and professional development of disadvantaged children in Laos. This currently benefits around 2,000 students who have access to three state primary and secondary schools in Ban Sikeud and Ban Phang Heng. The foundation also supports the professional education project at the Lao-German Technical College – with 40 scholarships each year in the fields of metal and electrical engineering. 
More information about the “Angels for Children” foundation

Lars und Christian Engel Stiftung (LUCE Trust)

The managing directors of BHS Corrugated founded LUCE in 2016. The foundation aims to promote the technological and economic development in the company's regional environment in Germany. This explicitly includes not only projects for future generations, but also "agile living in old age" – so that people can feel at home in Weiherhammer and the surrounding area in the long term. 
More information about LUCE Trust

For more facts, download our 2022 Sustainability Report here!

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Sustainability management

Three pillars of one responsibility.

  • Holistic view on sustainability
  • Based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • ESG Team coordinates objectives and operational implementation

Sustainability – with its three pillars of environmental, social and corporate governance – is a natural part of the entire company. We work every day to put the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations into practice. Our "Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)" team acts as an interface here. On the one hand, this is where all sustainability issues come together, and on the other, the team coordinates the objectives and their operational implementation. The focus is on ...

  • (E) Environmental:
    Energy management, innovation, R&D, and manufacturing
  • (S) Social:
    Collaboration with HR and the foundations we gave birth to
  • (G) Governance:
    Collaboration with Corporate Governance
View from the company headquarters in Weiherhammer, Germany

For more facts, download our 2022 Sustainability Report here!

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to overview

Every season, we have new Box Plant 2025 highlights for you – starting soon:

until the summer season starts

August 2024

Think beyond …

In big strides, we are heading towards the second half of 2024 – and then the year of Box Plant 2025 is on the horizon. Join us in taking stock of the milestones already achieved along the way.

November 2024. Now it’s getting exciting – Buckle up for the launch!

Stay tuned!

Always want to be up to date?


What is the Box Plant 2025?

A full-scale portfolio of future-oriented solutions and services – aiming at lower costs and higher productivity throughout the complete box plant. 

Where can I get answers from the BHS Corrugated experts?

Please send an e-mail to Ask for an appointment and we’ll get back to you asap.

When can I order the Box Plant 2025?

A range of products and solutions are already available. The Box Plant 2025 allows you to start immediately and upgrade your box plant with our future innovations.

Will the Box Plant 2025 remain unchanged from the start?

The Box Plant 2025 will continue to evolve dynamically over time – in line with technological progress and new applications. Thanks to its modular structure, you can smoothly integrate upcoming new technologies any time.

Is RSR® digital printing part of it – and is it available today?

Yes, it’s one of the key innovations. Requiring less machines, less intermediate storage, and more than 50% reduction in staff. After successfully piloting in leading corrugating plants, we will fully introduce RSR® (Roll to printed Sheet in Real Time).

Will autonomous intralogistics be part of the Box Plant 2025?

Yes, it will be one of the core elements. Powered by digital technologies and applications, it will enable minimized storage and intelligent material handling.

How will it increase my competitiveness?

Your factory becomes self-learning, energy-efficient, lean, and demand-oriented. You can react more flexibly to customer demands and new market situations. You will improve all input and output factors of your production.

What does it consist of?

Automation systems (Corrugated 4.0), remote and on-site services, and digital solutions for the corrugator, digital inline printing, and autonomous intralogistics.


How can you get Box Plant 2025 ready? Contact us – we’ll be glad to advise you!
Or send an e-mail to:

Prepared for the future:
This signet is your guide to products that are ready to integrate with Box Plant 2025