New ideas – always welcome!
Ideas are our lifeblood. As a tech company, we are always on the lookout for ways to improve and innovate. Where can we improve our processes? Where is there room for optimization? In your working environment, have you noticed anything we could do differently to save time, prevent errors and make processes run more smoothly for everyone? Then go ahead and submit your idea!
We look forward to your submission!
Great! The best ideas often come from within the company. That is why our goal is continuous improvement in operational excellence. To achieve this, BHS Corrugated has set up an effective suggestion system. There is enormous potential in the experience and ideas of our employees. Each year, we receive approximately 800 suggestions for innovations and improvements in development, manufacturing and social affairs. And we are putting these ideas to use in improving our organization. Ideas are systematically assessed through fast, direct processes. When an idea is successfully implemented, the person who submitted it is rewarded.
Creative and committed employees are an important factor for market success because every suggestion contributes to the performance capability of our company. What ideas would you like to see realized next?
More interesting news and information on BHS Corrugated
Origin story of BHS Corrugated
From an ironworks founded in 1717 to the lifecycle company for the corrugated industry in the digital age – the history in between spans a good 300 years and a whole world unto itself. A look at the exciting history of BHS Corrugated.
BHS Corrugated – employer of the future
As a market-leading technology provider and a job engine for an entire region, BHS Corrugated plans to invest even more heavily in attracting employees.
Flow production in Weiherhammer
These investments and the new organization they are funding will serve to consolidate and expand our position as a market leader through more effective processes and structures.
The Lifecycle Building in Weiherhammer
The Engel family of entrepreneurs is investing about 65 million euros in the construction of the sophisticatedly designed Lifecycle Building, an all-new, cutting-edge assembly hall, a corrugating roll production set-up and a restaurant for employees and customers.