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BHS Corrugated is committed to World Cleanup Day and sets an example for environmental protection


BHS Corrugated took the initiative and actively participated in World Cleanup Day with a "cleanup campaign" in Weiherhammer. On a Saturday in September, in bright sunshine, committed employees of the company as well as their relatives and volunteers gathered in front of the restaurant building of the "NEWS" in Weiherhammer to work together for a clean environment.

The campaign began at 10:00 a.m. with the distribution of trash bags, gloves, high-visibility vests and refreshing drinks to the motivated volunteers. Together they set out to pick up the garbage lying around for two hours along Bahnhofstrasse and Flachglasstrasse in Weiherhammer. In this short time, a considerable amount of waste products, including cigarette butts, plastic bags, shoes and even car rims, were found and collected. The amount of trash collected shows how effective such an action can be in terms of a cleaner environment.

After the work was done, all participants were able to fortify themselves with a relaxed snack and share their experiences. The action was perceived by the participants and the organizers alike as a great success and a significant step towards a cleaner environment. The action was organized by the "ESG" department at BHS Corrugated in Weiherhammer.

ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance. In particular under the sub-aspect "Environment", the team deals with ecological sustainability and environmental protection.

BHS Corrugated intends to organize the cleanup campaign again next year on World Cleanup Day and hopes that many colleagues will once again be inspired to take part in this cleanup campaign.
