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Two years of war: BHS Corrugated remains firmly on Ukraine's side


We all remember February 24, 2022 - exactly two years since the war raged in Ukraine. Since then, BHS Corrugated has been supporting the affected crisis areas with regular aid shipments and special projects. 

Numerous campaigns and aid measures were carried out in 2023. A total of four aid transports took place over the course of the year, making it possible to bring urgently needed goods to the crisis areas and help the local people during this difficult time. 

Various special projects were also organized during the aid transports, such as the transport of hospital beds and field kitchens or the handover of a fully equipped fire engine. Particularly noteworthy were the Christmas campaign at the end of the year and the continuation of the German course for Ukrainian refugees. This course not only enabled the participants to improve their language skills, but also to integrate into German society.

Last month, Lars, one of the volunteers from the crisis area, visited our main site in Weiherhammer. 

Together with Lars Engel and Matthias Uri, he spoke about his aid work in Ukraine and other aid measures. He also gave an insight into the current situation on the ground.

For us as a company, it is important to continue to be active in the crisis area with aid measures directly on the ground in order to help the people there in the best possible way.

Many thanks to all the volunteers for their great work over the last 2 years!

Auxiliary measures Ukraine

