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WE. Make vaccination happen - Brands against Corona


Convincing as many people as possible to get vaccinated - the only way to get out of the pandemic. But how to convince people? The Berlin agency antoni has an idea: literally ask every brand in Germany to turn their slogan into a call to action to encourage vaccination.

Since December, well-known companies have been posting their "vaccination claims" on their social media channels. Using the hashtag "Brands Against Corona," they are promoting vaccination with their own slogans - some of which are variations of their well-known advertising slogans.

Over 1,000 brands have joined the movement in the first four days.

We also want to support this movement for a really important cause and have reworded our brand - which is actually never changed - into a call for vaccination:

“WIR - Lust auf Impfen“ stands for „WE - make vaccination happen”

Protect yourself and others and make a valuable and important contribution to the fight against the Corona pandemic.

You can also find our vaccination claim and more news about BHS Corrguated on our social media channels:

Instagram  Facebook  Youtube  Linkedin

Further information and source for the Brands against Corona campaign:
